What I Didn’t Realize
I used to look at moms who were saying goodbye to their kids going on missions or to college and think how it will be sad because they must miss them, but there is so much more to this shift for the whole family. On the day that we dropped Joel off at the Stuttgart airport we came home and I walked into his room and just cried. He had packed up (most) of his things and I knew I was going to eventually get to work on cleaning and prepping it as our guest room for the next two years but I didn’t want to think about or do any of that in the moment. In the days since he left I’ve realized there is SO MUCH MORE to this whole transition than simply missing him around.
The Grief of Joy
“It’s okay,” I tell myself. “It’s good.” “This is what we worked for.” “I am so happy we are here!”
But it hurts, too.
My oldest son has officially left home to serve as a missionary for the next two years. My heart is far more raw than I ever imagined it would be. I’m so happy and so proud for him. Especially because it hasn’t been an easy road to get to this point.
It’s been a whirlwind since we first arrived in Germany and not just because it has been a stressful overseas move. Joel is set to leave us next week and I felt urgency as soon as we landed to make some memories with him here. I asked him to pick a place he wanted to go and then I picked a few things, too. Denmark was his trip — of course he picked where Lego was born! My trips with him have been to Strasbourg, Brussels, and most recently Luxembourg. All places I lived as a missionary myself 20 years ago. It was incredibly meaningful to me to share these places with him and the very special memories I have of the people and places there.
Sunday in Denmark: Karensminde & Jelling
Every day was better than the last on this trip. Coming off the high of the Lego House, I was worried everyone would be bored, or let down with our last day in Denmark. It was a Sunday and Sundays are always special for us, but not in the amusement park or attraction sort of way.