Jovi Patch Review

It’s a real coming of age when you’re teaching your daughter about menstrual cycles, and symptoms and how to manage, and how to thrive. And I don’t mean “coming-of-age” for her. I mean was an eye-opening time for me as a mother. I found myself constantly thinking about how I could teach her to be grateful for a body that is working and giving her clues for the care it needs. I wanted to teach her to work with her cycle in learning to identify emotions and pains, and when to lean into creativity and productivity in her hobbies and studies with school. And I definitely found myself wanting to make talking about it as normal and positive, and not weird or gross.

Pretty quickly after my daughter started menstruating, it became obvious that what was normal for my own body was not what she was experiencing. She was having different symptoms with different intensity than I typically did, so by her third cycle our conversations had shifted to pain relief and what she could do to keep functioning through it, or identifying when to rest. I looked up the right amounts of ibuprofen she could safely take, pulled out the heating pads, made soothing foods. I hated seeing her in pain and she was becoming less and less of a fan of being a woman.

Around this same time I was watching the behind-the-scenes unfold on social media of a new kind of pain relief designed specifically for period pain, and my interest piqued. The Jovi Patch was honestly something that sounded a little too good to be true, but when it launched I bought two — one for her and one for me — right way.

What it is

The Jovi patch is a drug-free, reusable patch that provides relief for “every ache that holds you back.” Jovi works by intercepting nerve signals caused by discomfort before they make it to the brain – soaking them into the patch like a sponge. No wires. No leads. No magnets. No medication. No rays. I love that it’s flexible and flat so it’s super easy to wear comfortably, and yes! It really really works.

My girl was all too eager to try it out. When her next cycle pain set in, she tried to pinpoint where the pain was radiating from (lower abdomen, right over her uterus this time), placed Jovi right on top and waited about three minutes before she came to tell me, “Mom, this is amazing!”

“Really?!” I said. I was really curious to see if it was just a placebo effect kind of thing. She said it was helping, a lot and I could see the relief that was for her. It was so good see her up and about and carrying on with her regular schedule instead of curled up on the couch or in bed.

I was almost looking forward to having my own pain somewhere to address because I wanted to try it out. I had to have a hysterectomy a few years ago and one of the reasons for that was severe pain. After the surgery I no longer had the severe pain, but I became intensely aware of a different pain when I ovulated because the pain was so pinpointed and direct. The next time that pain set in, I grabbed the Jovi patch to see if it could take that away for me. It was relief for sure, within 3 minutes. I loved that I could comfortably wear it all day and that I could even sleep with it on. I’ve since used it anytime I’ve had pain anywhere from my back, to my shins, and even for a headache. If I can get the patch in just the right spot, it works really well.

Who is it for?

So I know the Jovi is specifically marketing for women and period pain, but it’s really for everyone, for all pain. I appreciate that the design is more flexible and soft to adjust to all the parts of the body, rather than just the back, for example. The website says you can use it for all these things:

  • period cramp relief

  • upper back relief

  • lower back relief

  • shoulder relief

  • headache relief

  • wrist and hand relief

  • foot relief

  • ankle relief

  • knee relief
    ...really, anywhere you can get the patch!

How to use it

Once you get your Jovi patch, there are two things you really need to know to get the relief you’re needing:

First, pinpoint the source of your discomfort. It actually might not be where you think it is! Placement of the patch is the most important step in finding relief. You’ll want to move the patch slowly, 1" at a time, until you feel the magic kick in.

Second, place the patch. Once you have located the problem spot(s), secure the patch in place over the area using an included gel adhesive or by simply tucking the patch inside a close-fitting article of clothing. The latter works great for period pain. The closer to your body, the better! It’s important to know that it can take 2-3 minutes for the Jovi to fully absorb all the discomfort so don’t get frustrated if you don’t feel 100% relief instantly. And don’t hesitate to adjust the placement of Jovi as needed.

Here are some tips from the website for common use areas:

Relief for period cramps...
Some women find relief for period cramps by placing the patch on their abdomen, near the uterus. Others have more success with menstrual cramp relief when Jovi is placed on the lower back. We recommend starting with the patch over the uterus and slowly moving it around the body towards your back until you find the correct placement. 

Relief for backaches...
To ease backaches, simply place the Jovi patch about an inch above where you feel the most severe discomfort. Give the patch 2-3 minutes to start working and slowly move it around the area an inch at a time, as needed, until you start feeling the warming relief. 

Relief for headaches...
Hold the patch directly on your head where the discomfort is most severe. (No need to use the adhesives for this step.) In 2-3 minutes, you should start to feel relief, at which point you can move the patch to either side of the base of your neck for a few minutes at a time. Some people even find relief by placing Jovi underneath a hat for the day, or by placing the patch on their pillow while they sleep for drug-free relief from headaches.

How long does it last?

This made me really happy to know. The Jovi patch can be used as often as you need for as long as you need it. One patch will last you years with proper care, even with daily use. My daughter and I have been using each of our regularly for over a year. It goes with her to school and often goes with me in my bag, too. My husband has used it on sore muscles and his back as well.

If you have period discomfort ever, this is worth having and sharing for sure!

I have an affiliate link that saves you $20 on any Jovi patch or bundle so you can try it and save. Just click the button below, or add DAYNA20

When you get yours, I absolutely want to hear how it works for you and if you love it for your daughters as much as I do. I feel like it’s opened up so many helpful and empowering conversations with my daughter and I love to see the relief it has given to her. I love that ibuprofen isn’t the go-to anymore, and the heating pad is used for comfort rather than pain. YAY for JOVI! I think you’re going to love it.




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